
Dear Feast Goer

We are pleased to announce that North Texas Fellowship is planning a smaller feast this year in north-central Arkansas at a beautiful location called Shepherd of the Ozarks. (https://www.sotocamp.com) We ask that you make all inquiries through us and not the camp as it is our plan to coordinate an all-inclusive festival involving accommodations, food, and activities.

As our plans come together, it is important to understand that this feast site, depending on the number attending will be more informal in the manner of daily meetings, meals, and activities. The lodges are such that we can expect each family per bedroom with a private bath will average $155/night. We will work with each family and try to coordinate the best we can in accommodating your needs, but typically, each room is with either a King or Queen bed with bunks in the same room. There are also bunk rooms in which we will look to have singles and older teens, obviously men in one lodge and women in another.

At this point, we plan to book the following lodges in this order, one at a time and as needed: 1. Big Creek, 2. Eagles Watch 3. Wildnerness. In the registration, we will ask that you look at the lodge layout and submit your first and second choices by lodge name and bedroom number.  Keep in mind that there will be obvious fluctuation in cost since some bedrooms are much larger than others and can accommodate more people.
We are leaning towards having camp provide catered lunches and dinners on Tuesday through Friday and Sunday during the feast so as to not be burdened with meal preparation for the majority of the feast. On the other days, we will plan potlucks.  It is important to note that the nearest grocery store is 30 minutes away, while the nearest Walmart Super Center is 45 minutes away. The cost for the catered meals are as follows:
6 and under Complementary
Lunch 7-12 ….$8.00 Per Person
……..13 and older $13.00 per person
Dinner …7-12 $14.00 per person
……..13 and Older $16.00 per person
This may not be your typical feast that many have become accustomed to. Our focus is to be together, enjoying worship, fellowship, and meals. It is not intended to fill the day with activities just to keep us entertained. This is not intended to mean there won’t be activities. The camp offers a wide range of onsite opportunities such as horseback riding, ropes course, trails, lazy river tubing, archery, paintball, and other things.
The expectation is for each family to be responsible for their own while lovingly seeing to the needs of others. While it might work out that we have special meetings for our youth, please know that it will not serve the purpose of a babysitting service. This is a family feast, and our hopes are to strengthen the bonds of our families and not expect others to assume that responsibility.
(It is important to note that Shepherd of the Ozarks asks us not to bring alcohol. However, we are not prohibited from having in our own quarters. They also do NOT allow pets.)


As we prepare for the feast, we would like to emphasize how important it is to register. We are planning to provide numerous meals at no cost and it is important to give the facility an accurate count as we look to prepare and prepay for these meals. We don’t wish to find ourselves short on food and it may require to restrict the meals to only those whom have registered.

If you have any questions you would like to ask, please send your questions via email to: info@northtexasfot.org

We will be sending out more updates soon. We look forward to seeing you this Fall.

With love, on behalf of the Feast Planning Team